We support
We support any and all efforts to bring our sons and daughters, husbands and wives home.
Attack on America 2
Unfortunately those of us who value freedom may have been told a lie about the War in Iraq for one reason and one reason only. Major portions of the world's oil supply is under the control of terriosts. Them being, Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, all of whom want to take out Israel. Since Bush now has control of Iraq, he doesn't want to give it up. His argument is that if the U.S. leaves, Iran will take control or Saudi Arabia. The conflict between the Sunis and the Shites will force these countries to take sides and the U.S. will be out and we loose control of the vital oil reserves. Should this be the issue?
Investigations, indictments and firings are beginning to unravel the 'Bush' strategy. Scooter Libby lied to Congress, but the biggest indictment of all is yet to come. When the truth finds a place to land, most of the current administration will be going to jail. There hasn't been anyone accused of High Treason on the United States in a very long time, but it's coming and in a big way. If you support the 'truth', we encourage you to speek out.
Tripod is one of the easiest places anywhere on the internet to make your own web page. In fact we started right here in 1999. Click on the 'hosted by Tripod' Icon and start your own page.
More conspiracy pumped up in the News
The transcripts also refer to a claim by Mohammed that he was tortured by the CIA, although he said he was not under duress at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo when he confessed to his role in the attacks. story.. Confession.
Legal experts have criticized the U.S. decision to bar independent observers from the hearings from the high-value targets. The Associated Press filed a letter of protest, arguing that it would be "an unconstitutional mistake to close the proceedings in their entirety."
Latest news, March 20th 2007; the Bush administration is willing to go to court to prevent anyone on his staff from testifing before a house investigative committee focused on the firing of 7 US Attorneys.
Bush said," He will seek to assert executive privilege in preventing their appearance."
The Decomatrats believe that Bush wanted them fired because they wouldn't go along with
his policies or were in the process of prosecuting cases involving his associates. One of the fired U.S. attorneys is from San Diego. Feinstein said Carol Lam was fired after she sent a notice to the Justice Department that she had a case against Dusty Foggo, a defense contractor. "The next day, an e-mail went from the Justice Department to the White House saying, 'We have a real problem with Carol Lam,' Feinstein told Chief Washington correspondent Bob Scheiffer.
Bush's resistance to having Rove placed under oath or even having a transcript of his testimony appears to be a coverup of a series of obstructions of justice.
Feinstein said, "That is very difficult for me to believe that you can fire seven prosecutors on a given day, five of whom are involved in major corruption cases one way or another, and the attorney general who is the head of the organization hasn't given a go-ahead somewhere along the line," she said. "We need to find that out."
Feinstein also said that senior Justice Department official William Moschella suggested a change in the Patriot Act which essentially would let the attorney general have the ability to appoint a U.S. attorney without confirmation by the Senate. She and Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., have co-sponsored a bill which would prevent this from happening. This, once again suggests major corruption right under our noses. see. US attorneys fired. - More evidence of corruption
On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee issued five subpoenas, including one for Rove, and on Thursday the Senate Judiciary Committee plans to follow suit. With these subpoenas, a constitutional battle is joined. "The moment subpoenas are issued, it means that they have rejected the offer," said White House press secretary Tony Snow. Bush is barricading his White House against the Congress to prevent its members from posing the pertinent question that might open the floodgate: What did Karl Rove know, and when did he know it? Past Peak, cause for alarm
The reason behind the firings: They're getting too close to the truth!
Comment; War Crimes? What War Crimes?
House Leader, Nancy Pelosi's pledge not to pursue impeachment is morally wrong. This is not a purely practical matter. We cannot ignore the enormous crimes against humanity that have been committed. If we do, we're saying that such crimes are allowable whenever punishing them is inconvenient. The future will rightly curse us for setting such a precedent.
Comment; Let's hope the Dems follow the trail as high as it goes. This administration has been guilty of all manner of criminality. Nailing them for this would be like nailing Al Capone for income tax evasion (or Nixon for the Watergate break-in): not entirely satisfying, but effective.
March 6th, 2007; A new video personally e-mailed to us after the conviction of Scooter Libby. Our country has been led down a road of deceit and lies in order to secure the oil and natural gas rights in Iraq and Afghanastan and how those rights are more important than American lives. Our Soldiers in Harm's Way.We also need the support of the American public to expose the greatest crime against humanity since the days of Hitler.
The Democratic party is trying to block funding for the continuation of the war with out placing the troops in danger. If a bill is passed the president has promised to veto it. Didn't this country speek loudly enough when it elected a democratically controlled congress? A reminder of what the constitution says; "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." (Art. I § 1) "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America." (Art. II § 1) Our question is, 'Is that power being abused?'
On June 25, 1998, the United States Supreme Court struck down the Line Item Veto Act of 1996. The issue before the Court was this: may the Congress delegate via legislation the power of the line item veto to the President? This was a particularly thorny issue for the Court, resulting in four delicate opinions. The Court came to the right conclusion, but flaws in each of the four opinions must be addressed and corrected before that is clear. If the people don't support the war why does the President declare that "the war is his to fight!?" Why did he deploy 20,000 more troups even as Congress did not agree this was the best option?
The President claimed we do not torture prisoners. So far we have seen prisoners stripped naked, pictures taken of them. They have been beaten, denighed food, and all are kept in CIA controled secret prisons. The confession of one so-called terrorist was also achieved in a controlled environment where he says he was tortured.
Crimes against the United States: A (Partial) People's Indictment The short list:
* Illegal spying on the American people in violation of FISA and the Fourth Amendment, openly confessed to, openly promoted in signing statements, known to involve phone calls, phone records, internet use, library use, bank records, and observation of legal nonviolent activities.
* Illegal detentions in violation of the Fourth Amendment, International law, and U.S. Law.
* Rounding up of thousands of citizens and legal residents for detention or deportation.
* Torture, maintaining secret prisons, and extraordinary rendition, in violation of the Fourth Amendment, International Law, US Law, and openly promoted in signing statements and administration policy papers.
* Illegal aggressive war - in violation of international law, the U.S. Constitution which requires that the Congress declare war, and launched on the basis of feloniously misleading Congress and the American public.
* Use of a variety of illegal weapons.
* Illegal targeting of civilians, journalists, and hospitals.
* Illegal seizure of another nation's resources.
* Illegal use of funds in Iraq that had been appropriated for Afghanistan.
* Leaking of classified information in order to mislead the Congress and the public, and in order to punish truth tellers.
* Leaking of identity of an undercover agent.
* Retribution against whistleblowers.
* Use of signing statements to negate 750 laws passed by Congress.
* Production of phony news reports at home and abroad.
* Dereliction of duty in neglecting global warming, hurricanes, hunger, AIDS, and warnings of 9-11 attacks.
* Facilitating Israel's attacks on Lebanon.
* Obstruction of investigations by Congress, the 9-11 Commission, and Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald.
* Stealing elections.
March, 2007; Eight U.S. Attorneys, fired because they wouldn't follow orders by the Bush Administration.
Fired because they refused to go on witch-hunts against Democrats, or ignored the Republicans' blatant disregard for the law. Fired so that they could be replaced by talking heads and loyalists of the Bush Administration.
When Scooter Libby was convicted, I said that this administration reminded me of Richard Nixon's administration -- more obsessed with their critics than with the jobs the American people entrust them with. But this latest White House scandal takes that comparison to another level.
Just what did George Bush, Karl Rove, Alberto Gonzales and the rest of the Bush White House and Republican senior staff know about the Justice Department firings -- and when did they know it?
"I can accept that mistakes were made."
When Attorney General Alberto Gonzales uttered those words yesterday, he admitted what many had suspected: that eight U.S. prosecutors were improperly fired -- and, because of a Patriot Act provision slipped in by Congressional Republicans, replaced with Bush Administration cronies. The fired attorneys included:
Carol Lam, who prosecuted former Republican Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham for bribery, and who was actively investigating Republican House Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis at the time of her dismissal; Paul Charlton, who was investigating Republican Congressman Rick Renzi for bribery and illegal land dealings, and who had publicly clashed with the Bush Administration over the merits of the death penalty; and David Iglesias, a commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and the basis for Tom Cruise's character in A Few Good Men, who was pressured by Republicans to indict Democratic politicians prior to the 2006 elections.
In January, Gonzales claimed that he would "never, ever make a change in a United States attorney for political reasons or if it would in any way jeopardize an ongoing serious investigation." Justice Department officials claimed the firings were part of standard personnel turnover.
But when questioned by Congress, Gonzales's deputy, Paul McNulty, claimed they were fired for poor performance -- even though most of the fired attorneys had received excellent performance reviews.
Karl Rove, Harriet Miers and President Bush himself were in contact with Gonzales's office about the attorneys. Just weeks after Bush spoke to Gonzales, they were fired. Gonzales lies under oath see.. Caught on tape. ...But Justice Department emails from Dec. 2006 released this week show that Gonzales’s then-chief of staff Kyle Sampson intended to use this provision to make an end-run around the Senate: And the Repubs argued that the Clinton impeachment was because of pergury…..Comment; Let’s see how many stand up and call for impeachment for Gonzo…..I already know the answer but had to make it! Comment; We’ve had seven years of treason with this gang of lying, war-criming, torturing, corrupting, bullying, smearing, sliming, election-stealing, spying thugs. Me thinks that the end is near for this bunch of yellow-bellied banana Republicans. Of course, two summers ago, I said that the illegitimate Bush regime was in slow-motion collapse… Maybe it is finally happening.
Former Washington state GOP Chairman Chris Vance admitted to pressuring fired U.S. Attorney John McKay to investigate Democrats at the urging of the "White House's political office." And emails released yesterday show that White House deputy political director and former RNC opposition researcher J. Scott Jennings used an RNC email account to talk with Justice Department about the appointment of U.S. Attorney and former Karl Rove aide Tim Griffin.
Cabinet members have resigned:
March 19, 2003 Top White House anti-terror boss resigns. Rand Beers resigns: "This is a very intriguing decision (by Beers)," said author and intelligence expert James Bamford. "There is a predominant belief in the intelligence community that an invasion of Iraq will cause more terrorism than it will prevent. There is also a tremendous amount of embarrassment by intelligence professionals that there have been so many lies out of the administration -- by the president, (Vice President Dick) Cheney and (Secretary of State Colin) Powell -- over Iraq." Bamford cited a recent address by President Bush that cited documents, which allegedly proved Iraq was continuing to pursue a nuclear program, that were later shown to be forgeries. "It is absurd that the president of the United States mentioned in a speech before the world information from phony documents and no one got fired," Bamford said. "That alone has offended intelligence professionals throughout the services."
April 22, 2003; Howard Schmidt has resigned his cybersecurity post, becoming the second top government adviser to leave this year. Schmidt
Feb. 19, 2004, Colen Powell, 'How the Bush presidency destroyed him'. It's hard to come up with another explanation for his jaw-dropping behavior last week before the House International Relations Committee. There he sat, recounting for the umpety-umpth time why, back in February 2003, he believed the pessimistic estimates about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. "I went and lived at the CIA for about four days," he began, "to make sure that nothing was— After his termination, Powell and the Bush Administration had used the cover story that Powell resigned of his own accord from his position as Secretary of State. Powell was fired!
28 October 2005: Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, has resigned after being indicted on perjury, obstruction of justice and false statement charges. A U.S. federal grand jury returned the indictments Friday, after a nearly two-year investigation into whether a White House official illegally exposed the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame in 2003. The five-count indictment accuses Mr. Libby of lying to investigators about how and when he learned Ms. Plame's identity. If convicted on all five charges, Mr. Libby could face up to 30 years in prison and more than a million dollars in fines. Ms. Plame's role in the CIA was leaked to the media after her husband, diplomat Joseph Wilson, accused the Bush administration of manipulating intelligence to justify the Iraq war. Mr. Wilson says the White House acted in order to punish him. Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.
May 2006; Porter Gross resigns .CIA Director Forced Out. Hayden was National Security Agency director until becoming the nation's No. 2 intelligence official a year ago. Since December, he has aggressively defended the Bush administration's warrantless surveillance program. He was one of its chief architects. This story contains a warning from Senator Hillary Clinton that Hayden rejected the rule of the law. Washington Post Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) voted against confirmation. She said in a statement that the CIA director should "show respect for the rule of law and recognition of the oversight role of Congress." She added: "General Michael Hayden has had a distinguished career serving our nation . . . However, I believe there are unanswered questions about whether he will exercise the independence and judgment necessary to be an effective CIA director in an administration that has rejected contrary views."
Friday, May 5, 2006 - CIA Director Goss Resigns; President Bush, who has been making staff changes at the White House to reinvigoriate his second term, was making another personnel announcement Friday. Bush's new chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, has made several changes since taking over last month. Other changes that have been expected included changes in the White House lobbying office run by Candida Wolff and the expected departure of communications chief Nicolle Wallace, whose husband recently moved to New York. Officials have also done little to discourage speculation that Treasury Secretary John Snow is leaving.
2006; Andrew Card, Harriet Miers; Carl Rove, Scott McClellan, Harriet Miers, Harriet Miers has submitted her resignation as White House counsel, effective the 31st. This is noteworthy only because she was inexplicably nominated for the Supreme Court a while back, but noteworthy nonetheless. UPDATE: Mary Katharine Ham notes that the inevitably silliness of speculation about what this signals has commenced. She observes, “I have a friend who went to work over there two years ago, and I haven’t seen her since. “
After the Nov 2006 Elections - Donald Rumsfeld fired!; Rumsfeld who was replaced by none other than former CIA chief Bob Gates. Citing the various scandals that have roiled the Republican Congress, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow Thursday downplayed the impact of the war in Iraq on Tuesday's election.There were also very public spats between Hastert and the administration over an FBI raid on Rep. William Jefferson's (D-La.) congressional office and a major split over the near acquisition of port operations in six major cities by a firm based in Dubai. Tom DeLay is indicted.
Philip Cooney, is accused of adding or changing the wording of several official reports on the relationship between greenhouse gasses and global warming. He is the immediate past head of the American Petroleum Association, an oil industry lobby group.The revelations came from a former official with the US Climate Change Program, Rick S. Piltz, who released a signed letter through the government accountability project and provided documentation to the New York Times, which first reported the story Wednesday.According to the Associated Press, the White House claimed Cooney’s resignation had nothing to do with Piltz’s charges, but justified the changes as part of routine review procedures.Cooney
These revelations raise even more questions -- and it's time for answers. Add your name to the FOIA Request, and demand accountability from the White House:
Join us in our effort to use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to try to cut through the White House's nonsense -- the finger-pointing, the lies, the cover-up. Americans have a right to access any and all records between the Republican National Committee, other Republican party committees, and the Department of Justice in order to get to the bottom of this investigation.
The infamous Skull and Bones secret society..
The elite of the elite..Members include..The Bush Family! Yale; Professor of History, Gaddis Smith, said, "Yale has influenced the Central Intelligence Agency more than any other university, giving the CIA the atmosphere of a class reunion." And "Bonesman" have been foremost among the "spooks", virtually building the CIA into a "haunted house." Each year, Skull and Bones members select ("tap") 15 third-year Yale students to replace them in the senior group the following year. Graduating members are given a sizeable cash bonus to help them get started in life. Older graduate members, the so-called "Patriarchs," give special backing in business, politics, espionage and legal careers to graduate Bonesmen who exhibit talent or usefulness.
Skull and Bones -- the Russell Trust Association -- was first established among the class graduating from Yale in 1833. Its founder was William Huntington Russell of Middletown, Connecticut. The Russell family was the master of incalculable wealth derived from the largest U.S. criminal organization of the nineteenth century: Russell and Company, the great opium syndicate.
There was at that time a deep suspicion of, and national revulsion against, freemasonry and secret organizations in the United States, fostered in particular by the anti-masonic writings of former U.S. President John Quincy Adams. Adams stressed that those who take oaths to politically powerful international secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic.
But the Russells were protected as part of the multiply intermarried grouping of families then ruling Connecticut. The blood-proud members of the Russell, Pierpont, Edwards, Burr, Griswold, Day, Alsop, and Hubbard families were prominent in the pro-British party within the state. Many of their sons would be among the members chosen for the Skull and Bones Society over the years.
The background to Skull and Bones is a story of Opium and Empire, and a bitter struggle for political control over the new U.S. republic.
Quote from Stanely Hilton; And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years...-- Listen to the Stanley Hilton audio. and.. Bush knew ...
Hilton Law Suite The suit alleges that Bush, as President, violated the US Constitution by deliberately lying to - and defrauding - the US Congress into passing an "Enabling Act" resolution in October 2002, authorizing Bush to wage aggressive war on Iraq. The war is unconstitutional and an illegal drain on the US taxpayers' funds in the treasury. The suit alleges the Iraq war is unconstitutional and that declaratory and injunctive relief should be ordered. It is unconstitutional and illegal because the president violated the Separation of Powers provisions of the Constitution by deliberately lying to the Congress by falsely assuring them that Bush had evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, and that Iraq was involved in plotting and carrying out the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade center Twin Towers and the Pentagon Attack - attacks actually orchestrated by defendants. The suit also alleges that the USA Patriot Act I and Patriot Act 2 are unconstitutional and must be struck down as such, because they violate the fourth, fifth, ninth and first amendments to the US Constitution, by permitting the government to spy on Americans and violate their rights to privacy, and because the Patriot Acts, like the war in Iraq, were passed under false and fraudulent circumstances presented by defendants to the Congress.
The suit was thrown out, Here's the reason.."In other words, the suit was not dismissed because of lack of evidence, but rather because the judge reasoned that U.S. Citizens do not have the right to hold a sitting President accountable for anything, even if the charges include premeditated mass murder and premeditated acts of high treason." They're kidding - Right?
Also see..Hilton was Bob Doles Security advisor. Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.
Skull and Bones Member "Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser"(S&B 1896), owner of vast tracts of American forest, was a follower of Pinchot's movement, while the Weyerhaeusers were active collaborators of British-South African super-racist Cecil Rhodes. This family's friendship with President George Bush is a factor in the present environmentalist movement. Skull & Bones more...
Unless you want the occult fuelling a totalitarian West's Third World War 'on terror' and their 'New World Order' - please - do your bit to expose George W. Bush, the bonesmen and other interconnected lodges round the world. Expose the truth! Note: To our knowledge Skull and Bones is not connected to Freemasonry.
All Americans are urged to contact their Senators and
Congressman and demand a full Senate Investigation of the events of 9-11.
If you don't know how to contact them, here's the listing of
States - Congressional
Senate listings
Seperation of Church and State
Check this out; In reference to 9-11: "We make God mad.... I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the finger in their face and say you helped this happen." Pat Robertson
We don't need people like Pat Robertson telling us what we have to believe or how we have to behave. Religious choice should be our right.
"I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute…where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference…" President John F. Kennedy
"The appropriation of funds of the United States for the use and support of religious societies, [is] contrary to the article of the Constitution which declares that 'Congress shall make no law respecting a religious establishment'" James Madison
"(...) Even if "Charitable Choice" is expanded across the board, barriers to the use of federal funds by faith-based groups will remain. Governor Bush believes a concerted effort to identify and remove all such barriers is needed." source: George W. Bush's Official Website
The First Amendment reads; Congress
shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
free exercise thereof."
Americans United for the Seperation of Church and State..
Their link.. You need to read...
New terriost and criminal Threat on the U.S.
Anyone see the Dateline show of April 10, 2007?
Dateline NBC went to Houston to film a decumentary on a car theft ring. Several undercover police officers posed as buyers of stolen cars in a garage equiped with several hidden cameras. The thefts and sales began immediately with 18 Latino suspects
involved. A total of 35 cars were stolen. Several of these suspects carried guns and drugs and offered to supply the undercover cops with as much as they wanted. This is outrageous. Why is this country willing to allow these criminals and dangerous people into the country? This has to stop! These people are here ILLEGALLY!
Bush on Immigration. Since 1995 when the Senate and the House were taken over by the Republican Party, 5.3 million undocumented immigrants came to the United States.
Since 2001 when President Bush came to power, over 2 million undocumented immigrants have entered the United States.
During the Bush Administration, “Catch and Release has become rampant, a program under which 12,000 undocumented immigrants each month are apprehended from countries other than Mexico are released and allowed to live in the United States while awaiting a deportation hearing. Yet, the Federal government which is completely controlled by Republicans, 70% of OTMs are released into the interior with notices to appear at a later date never to be heard of again.
According to the Washington Post, between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95% by the Immigration and Naturalization Service. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to only four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000. In 1999, the United States initiated fines against 417 companies. In 2004, it issued fine notices to only three.
Our borders are not safe from criminals or terrorists! President Bush has allowed
workers from Mexico into this country for one reason only..to give a cheep labor
source to his rich buddies. Meantime thousands are crossing the borders every night
illegaly..Whose fault is this? Take a guess.
Proof has been found that arab
speeking illegals are crossing the border in Nevada and Arizona. A documentary
by News channel 2 in Tulsa, Okla. discovered this proof and took congressman
John Sullivan along to see for himself. Contact your congressman about this
Congressional listings
We also support the expulsion of all illegals and the new FENCE proposed to be built in New Mexico, Nevada and Arizona. March 30, 2006 -- Sen. Lindsey Graham defends his vote and answers questions about a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to "come out of the shadows." (part one of three)(approx 10 minutes) Senator Grahamand Bush's Responce He really has done nothing to curb illegal immigration.
Here's an example of what they are doing
to our economy, "I just got an email from a friend at the capital in Austin=
$4.7 Billion a year for benefits for illegals in Texas alone." Another argument
is that they pay taxes. Oh Yeah! Restaurant workers, waitresses get tips do you
really think they report them? And are they screened for diseases like American
workers? And how about the rise in crime?
Lawn cutters - paid cash - Do you really think they report taxes? This is bunk. Nobody else wants these jobs?
This is bunk too! The hospitality industry in Hawaii thrives without employing illegals. The profit margins are less, but it's not going broke, either.
Someone forgot to tell you that drug smuggling across the border is
one of the most ignored aspects of illegals. "Going home to see mom", for
the weekend is not what they're doing! Drivers Licenses for Illegals,
Social Security cards? We say NO WAY! There are an estimated 2 million
undocumented motorists who are currently driving. Most without insurance! In September 2003, shortly before the gubernatorial recall election, Governor Gay Davis
signed legislation authored by Senator Gil Cedillor which allowed illegal
immigrants to obtain
driver's licenses,
but the law was shortlived. Those who oppose licenses say giving undocumented
immigrants driver's licenses offers government approval of their illegal
immigration status which could lead to even further immigration in the
future. They also claim that national security is at risk if if undocumented
immigrants are allowed such licenses.
Another thing; they do not buy car insurance which is againts the law,
leaves us stuck with the bill if they hit us. And what if somebody gets
hurt or killed? Who pays for that? And who cares if these illegals get
the right to vote. WE DO! All they need is a fake drivers license and
S.S. card.
Republican Critics say, some of who prefer to crackdown on illegal immigration with beefed up border patrols, the military and fences - say the program rewards lawbreakers and provides a "backdoor amnesty".
The White House has rejected the amnesty label, but critics say the president's blueprint would encourage illegal immigration by rewarding many with jobs and permission to stay.
Each year, more than one million undocumented migrants try to slip across the rivers and deserts on the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border in search of work in the United States, reports Reuters.
Almost half come through Arizona, and hundreds die attempting the dangerous trip.
Angry residents in Arizona and New Mexico have formed armed teams called Minutemen to watch over the border, and a movement has sprung up among conservatives to wall off its entire length with a high-tech fence. More than two-dozen members of Congress have signed on to the idea.
The money our government, both local and federal, exceeds the money
contributed by illegals into our social-economic structure.
Remember the protests, how many Mexican flags did you see. If you want to stay
in a host nation, you don't go around touting your loyality to the rat-hole
nation you just came from. Do you see illegals in Mexico flying the flags of
Guatmala or Belize? How about Columbia?
Do they want to learn English?...just enough to ask for their pay!
Mexico does not want to address the illegal problem in the United States.
Basically, we are taking care of the poverty problem that Fox doesn't want
to take care of. Why is Fox asking Canada to take thousands more immigrants,
both legal and illegal? He is exporting poverty. A nation without borders
is not a nation. We need the fence. They work. Legal entry stations.
Those who oppose illegal immigration should contact their congressman and
Senator NOW! see the link above.
Check out this Blog ..
History Channel
The following is by Robert Buvall and is worth reading the entire article.
The author does not believe that an actual ‘Masonic’ conspiracy exists. What the author does, however, believe is that there is much to support the contention that radical Arab and Judeo-Christian fundamentalists may actually believe there is such a conspiracy.
Pentagon, Pillars and the Temple of Jerusalem
Eerily, the date of September 11 is also actually incorporated in the
construction history of the US Pentagon, one of the terrorists’ most
coveted targets in 2001. Any self-respecting employees of the US Pentagon
will quickly tell you these days that the ‘ground breaking’ ceremony took
place on 11th September 1941 during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This ‘dual’ dating tag that is now forever locked in the annals of the US
Pentagon is too much of a coincidence to be simply ignored. Could the
terrorists have intended to draw attention to the year 1941 or, more
specifically, to the year 1941 and something to do with President Roosevelt?
But why? Let’s take a closer look. 1941 was, of course, the year that the US
entered World War II. September 11, 2001 is an attempt to drawn the United
States into a ‘World War III’. So far, there seems to be some ‘sense’ in
making this link. But how does President Roosevelt himself fit in this
‘message’? What has Roosevelt got to do with the present PLO-Israeli
Satan's Calling Card, by Robert Buvall
Details about the third World War If you follow the predictions of Nostradamus, this site is for you.
And in other Old News-
This was used as direct defiance of other NATO countries to back the US.
Russia listened in on Tony Blairs conversations and passed them on to the Iraqi leaders. France offers asylum to wanted Iraqi officials. No wonder then these traitors to the U.S. wanted 'more time' placed on the WMD inspections conducted by the U.N. They were also played key roles in choosing a chief inspector who would delay any inforcement of the WMD resolution adopted in 1991. Do we really want their help now in rebuilding Iraq?. Do we really care what they think? They helped to kill Americans ...see..Cover story -This from MSNBC April 2003 - Today and daily Headlines see the link above. (MSNBC)
The French are desecrating American graves - Americans killed in WW2. Germany helped build Saddam's underground bunkers. France, Syria and Russia supplied weapons to kill Americans.
Sign our FOIA request:
The above is presented here from a personal e-mail from Howard Dean. Your thoughts can be e-mailed to him at Democratic National Chairman