We support
We support any and all efforts to bring our sons and daughters, husbands and wives home.
Attack on America
A personal opinion of the webmasters only, but backed up by the stories below..
This page originally appeared on my main site - Hiram Discovered
Due to the political overtones of this page and the conflict it presents within the Masonic community we chose to move it here to it's own private site. The Masonic community supports freedom of speech but it doesn't support political or religious debates because every one is entitled to his or her own opinion or choice.
This is not about conservatives or liberals. This page is not intended to support a political party. It's about 'checks and balances'. It is intended to expose a lie, to uncover a crime, to reveal evidence of a crime and how that crime was carried out and the major players that gave the orders. Our view is that no one is above the law.
“On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.”
President Clinton was charged with purgery by the opposition party. Tom DeLay led the investigation and prosecution. The Democrates retaliated by having a grand jury in his home state indict him on criminal conspiracy. This was actually small change and insignificant compaired to what's happening now. However if it weren't for this system how would we know when our countries leaders are doing what the people elected them to do?
When elected officials have complete control of the FBI and the Military and the CIA, what could they do? There are only two answers...Alot of good or alot of harm. Since the Pentagon doesn't have to answer to anybody but the President there is room for covert operations not necessarily done with the approval or knowledge of the American people.
The political bickering, pushing and shoving, the bills attached to bills, trade me this vote for that vote... This has been going on for decades. Lobbyists making donations for political favors, the rich contributing to campaigns that favor their interests, ect. Major players are the Drug Companies and the Oil producers.
In the checks and balances playing field, Nixion was impeached for lying ect. We now know President Kennedy's assassination was the work of the CIA. At the time the Republicans controlled the House. We now have evidence of another conspiracy. Only this is wide spread and HUGE and 3000 innocent people were murdered.
“President Bush took office in 2001. This Congress has been controlled by Republicans since 1995. The Senate, with one exception, has had a majority of Republicans since 1995. The Federal government, charged with making and enforcing the laws of this nation, have been under the sole control of Republicans for the last six years. But for the last 12 they have been planning something you would never think possible. It started with the War in Afganistan. Soviet involvement · (1989-1992) · (1992-1996) · (1996-2001)· US/NATO involvement. The Soviet war in Afghanistan was a nine-year conflict involving Soviet forces supporting Afghanistan's Marxist People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan. We supported the rebels and one in particular named Osama bin Laden.
The reason Osama has never been found is that an agreement was made with Pakistan to keep him alive and is part of the conspiracy to keep the war going. Osama still alive. (CBS)2005; In Iraq and in London, it was a summer of terror. Suicide bombings and al Qaeda were back in the news, along with the inevitable question: Where is Osama bin Laden and why, 7 years after 9-11, hasn’t he been caught? As recently as Sept 2007 the War Department said, "He escaped again"! Really?!!
Is Osama Dead? Dec. 2001; Bin Laden has often been reported to be in poor health. Some accounts claim that he is suffering from Hepatitis C, and can expect to live for only two more years. According to Le Figaro, last year [2000] he ordered a mobile dialysis machine to be delivered to his base at Kandahar in Afghanistan. [Guardian] Who's telling the truth? This photo below indicated a very ill man. CNN report 2002, indicating he's aged enormously between '97 and October of 2002.
Bush denighed the video was fake. see this.. The origional story from December 14, 2001. This news story has Rudy Giuliani, proclaiming bin Laden a 'mass murderer' but this puts him clearly at the center of the plot. He got to play the hero which gave him enough publicity to run for president. How Convenient. A tried and true "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" plot. Comments from other countries leaders say the tape is fake. One comment was; "The United States should release more information about how it got the tape." Cairo, Egypt, the reaction was also different. "There is still no proof in America, so they come up with this tape," one man said.
The CNN 2002 interview. "On Friday, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer reacted to the bin Laden interview. "Everybody knows how evil Osama bin Laden is," Fleischer told CNN. "Other tapes have shown him take credit for the attacks and show he had advanced knowledge of the attacks. This tape showed the importance of completing the mission and protecting freedom, a mission that is bigger than Osama bin Laden."
What other tapes?
Along with this, the Loose Change video reveals evidence that a crime was committed by our trusted Federal Government. There are 30 other links that also reveal the existance of a conspiracy. All we ask is that you view the video and see for yourself. The Loose Change (Final Cut) is updating the video to dispel any 'doubts' raised by debunkers.
In the mean time refer toTV news audio clips of F16 pilot saying he's ready to shoot down US airliners,
and that Bush and Cheney did allegedly give a shoot down order before Flight 93
crashed (a lie to take credit for Col Rick Gibney and his commander refusing
Cheney's illegal Stand Down order):
Pirate News
The ultimate decision as to wheather or not a crime has been committed is up to you.
The sensitive issue at hand.
It is a known fact that anyone that is involved in trying to get at the truth is visited by the FBI. If this site disappears in the near future you will know why. However the entire sceneario of the reasons for the secrecy and lies are all connected to the rich becoming richer. After reading the information found on the 'Global Research' web site, presented below, it all starts to make sence.
The case against Scooter Libby involving his exposure of a CIA agent is the result of her husband coming out with the details of how the war was staged by using false intelligence reports claiming Weapons of Mass Destruction were being built by Saddam Hussein. Of cource we haven't found any and we won't. But it doesn't stop there. Our soldiers are risking their lives to protect an oil reserve, but they are being told the fight is to rebuild Iraq and restore a freely elected government that will allow all to live in piece.
The stories presented here are from major network sources and less published news media sources and classified documents released to the public under the Freedom of Information Act. There are also numberous outside investigators who have taken the time to analyze minute by minute the events that took place imediately before and after the first plane hit tower 1 that look extremely suspicious. One of these investgators is Leonard Spencer. Another is Leslie Raphael who documents problems with Naudet's film of the first plane hitting WTC tower 1. We have the book by Berrie Zwicker a journalist, writer and TV producer from Canada. Barrie conducted a six day International Citizens Inquiry into the events of 9/11 at the University of Toronto in 2004.
We have links to 'engineers' analysis of cell phone calls and the physics of the fall of the twin towers.. PHYSICS 911 is created and maintained by a group of scientists, engineers and other professionals known collectively as the Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-eleven. One of their investigatons includes "Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77" but the FBI had the names and photos of all 22 hijackers anyway. see Hijackers on flight 77 and all the other flights. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), does a miraculous job and identifies nearly all the bodies on November 16th 2001.
And we link to the Jeff Rense web site. He publishes this Disclaimer on the Fair use copyright laws we which agree with in it's entirety. The media is considered to be non-bias. Links to all the information we found are provided.
Jeff Rense: "The idea of a free press in America is one that we hold in the highest regard. We believe in bringing our site visitors and program listeners the widest possible array of information that comes to our attention. We have great trust and respect for the American people, and our worldwide audience, and believe them to be fully-capable of making their own decisions and discerning their own realities."
Our Statement of Fact!
"The War on Terror" was the invention of the Bush Administration. Bin Laden was blamed while he was being 'looked after' by the CIA in Dubai at an American operated hospital. The attack on the WTC and the Pentagon was staged by the Bush Adm. who seem to think they are above the law. Every bit of evidence of a controlled demolition to the WTC was shipped off to China in haste to prevent any investigation of 'a Crime scene'. No other sky scraper anywhere in the world in recorded history has fallen to the ground even after burning for 24 hours, Not One! NY Mayor Rudy Giuliani was in charge of the disposal. FEMA was not allowed on the site. We are 100% behind the effort of New Yorkers who know Giuliani was in on the plot and want him prosecuted for his role in the 9-11 attacks. Why they hate him..Attack on NY.
In the statement, Omar said that there are no planes in Afghanistan, no places to train pilots, and bin Laden has not had the kind of communication that would have been required to plan the attacks. Of course this was all planed too. Young Arab Volunteers probably prescreened and coached by the U.S. were paid to come to the U.S. and take flying lessons. After the incident their identies suddenly appeared on the FBI's most wanted list. A tape even showed up showing two of them in the boarding area of one of the flights. Funny thing though - some of them have been accounted for and are still alive and well. The Loose Change video explains where they are and what they're doing now.
Note; Any attack the Taliban carries out is usually broadcast immediately and they take full credit and are proud of what they've done. This is not the case with the 9-11 attacks which gives reasonable suspicions they weren't involved.
The Taliban gave sanctuary to the millionaire Saudi dissident in 1996, mainly, they say, because of his role in war efforts that led to the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan after 10 years of occupation. Read the Denial.
Saddam Husseins involvement. The notion that he did not support al-Qaeda is an article of faith among the critics of President Bush, Tony Blair and their allies. Saddam Hussein, they argue, knew little if anything about terrorism, especially al-Qaeda. Listen to a few of these more notable detractors: These reports show evidence that Hussein's own deputy prime minister, was stunningly candid about the Baathist government’s underwriting of terrorist killings in Israel. It does not show any evidence that Saddam or al-Qaeda were behind the 9-11 attacks. Saddam was lobbing skud missiles at Isreal not us.
High profile American journalists are afraid to take on this investigation. Some of their reports are censored by the FBI and other people who know the truth are threatened. Three people have already been murdered in the so-called interest of Homeland Security and the Patroit Act was created so they could spy on anybody- anytime - anywhere. And it isn't just happening here.
The recent murder of 3 Russian news reporters sends a signal that the 'free press' will be delt with for exposing the truth. President Putin has sent weapons to Iran and Syria. Arms to Syria. Tuesday, March 6, 2007 | 11:36 AM ET The Associated Press Journalists death. A journalist who fell to his death from a fifth-storey window had received threats while preparing a report claiming Russia planned to provide sophisticated weapons to Syria and Iran, his newspaper said Tuesday.
The big picture involves all of the countries who are members of NATO. We've been lied to in order to promote a war to take out Iran. Iraq was the gateway. But in the mean time our government has murdered over 3000 innocent citizens at the WTC in New York and elsewhere to make a case for war.
The evidence; Here's how it got started
Joseph Wilson, husband of exposed CIA agent Valarie Plame threatened to expose the Bush administration for manipulating intelligence reports to justify the Iraq war. As punishment the Vice President ordered scape goat Lewis Libby to expose Valarie therefore comprimising her job and her security. The VP needs to be the one going to jail, not Mr. Libby. It's likely that the president will pardon him (done) before he spends any time in jail.
News reports generated after 9-11
9/11 Widow Sues Bush! Turning down $1.8 million from the government compensation fund, New Hampshire 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani has filed a RICO Act lawsuit against Bush and other White House officials, charging them with complicity in the September 11th attacks.
see the video (audio).. Law Suit
The Justice Department's total lack of internal control and cavalier attitude toward the few legal restrictions that exist in the act have possibly resulted in the illegal seizure of American citizen's private information," Conyers added. In 2001, the Patriot Act eliminated any requirement that the records belong to someone under suspicion. Now an innocent person's records can be obtained if FBI field agents consider them merely relevant to an ongoing terrorism or spying investigation.
They apologized and vowed to not get caught again."
Oh, wait. That's what I read after applying my BS filter.
The wars on Terror!
Here's how they did it.
This is the most important video you will ever see... Loose Change 2nd Edition
Heres one with the victim's families.. 9-11 video - Press for Truth
Then watch Bush Family investments see Margie Bush," Prince George's Journal (Maryland), April 15, 2004: "Our USA is under scrutiny for its ties to Ahmed Chalabi, a member of the US-appointed Iraqi Governing Council. ...The new company, or consortium, also has ties to Bush family interests.
Millions of dollars of US oil business with Iraq are being channelled discreetly through European and other companies, in a practice that has highlighted the double standards now dominating relations between Baghdad and Washington after a decade of crippling sanctions.
In 1998 the UN passed a resolution allowing Iraq, the world's sixth largest oil producer, to buy spare parts for its dilapidated oil industry.
Since then, only two of the 3,058 contracts for oil industry parts that have been submitted to the UN have officially come from US companies. But the facts behind these figures tell a very different story.
US companies have in fact submitted contracts worth at least $100m to the UN for approval to supply Iraq with oil industry spare parts, through their foreign subsidiaries. Some informed estimates put that value as high as $170m. see Cheney.
Why did Dick Chaney's company, Halliburton get most of the reconstruction contracts?
March 11, 2007; Halliburton Moves Its Headquarters Abroad;The much-maligned defense contractor Halliburton is moving its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
The draw is obvious. Dubai's friendly tax laws will add to Halliburton's bottom line. Last year, it earned $2.3 billion in profits.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-N.H., called the company's move "corporate greed at its worst." He added, "This is an insult to the U.S. soldiers and taxpayers who paid the tab for their no-bid contracts and endured their overcharges for all these years. At the same time they'll be avoiding U.S. taxes, I'm sure they won't stop insisting on taking their profits in cold hard U.S. cash."
Fellow Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., who chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has investigated contractor fraud, is planning to hold a hearing.
"This is a surprising development," he said. "I want to understand the ramifications for U.S. taxpayers and national security."
Waxman's committee estimates that Halliburton, once headed by Vice President Cheney, has received contracts valued at an estimated $25.7 billion for its work in Iraq. see... Halliburton Moves
The 9-11 conspiracy - Clues to a cover-up
National Emergency procedures not followed on 9-11
On 9-11 President Bush was reading a book to school children in Florida. Someone whispered in his ear that the attack had begun. He made no attempt to leave the classroom. Afterward he claimed he had been watching TV before the attacks and saw the first plane hit WTC 1. There were no filmed reports of the first plane hitting the building until the next day. It was filmed by an Italian crew visiting New York. However even this is suspicious. Because what is most unusual — and most suspect — about the Naudet story is that its unusual circumstances are all highly convenient. The scene could not have been filmed by someone in normal circumstances — and wasn't, to prove the point. see the Naudet Film.
The president was not whisked away by the Secret Service. The Airforce did not
respond to the attacks. The debri from the building was immediately shipped overseas so it could not be examined. This is illegal! It's called 'Destruction of crime scene evidence'. The main news media has kept quiet and has not even tried to find out
what happened. Ask yourself WHY?
The Audio. Bush Implicates Bush!
When the 1st tower was struck at 8:46, George Bush was in a 2001
U.S. presidential limousine: One of the more damning bits of evidence of U.S. government complicity in 9/11 is that George Bush has stated, on more than one occasion, that he saw the first (1st) WTC tower struck by a plane, on TV, within about 10 minutes of the time it happened. Surrounding another "I'm-being-cagey alert", Bush makes it clear that he saw a video of the begininng of the 'secret' 'terrorist' attacks, apparently on some kind of special TV.
The U.S. has a branch of the Defense Department not many folks know of, the Defense Information Systems Agency, or DISA. These are the folks who make it possible for generals to see live battlefield images and nosecone videos in real-time from around the globe via satellite. They are also responsible for bringing images of this type to POTUS. Here is their mission statement:
The Defense Information Systems Agency is a combat support agency responsible for planning, engineering, acquiring, fielding, and supporting Global Net-Centric Solutions and operating the Defense Information System Network to serve the needs of the President, Vice President, the Secretary of Defense, and the other DoD Components, under all conditions of peace and war.
So if someone tells you that Bush must have been lying when he made this dubious statement, they're not much of an investigator. If someone mentions televisions set up at the school, they might need an imagination transplant.
And if someone tells you that Bush must have simply mis-spoken, ask them if they are aware that Bush made essentially the identical statement the following month using slightly different words.
The fact that no major news organization nor any members of Congress have called upon Bush to explain his self-incriminating statements is yet another indication that the U.S. Constitution has at least partially been rendered null and void.
This could be George Bush's Watergate. And it is a New Pearl Harbor.
The Mayor of New York knew about the planned attack
The Mayor of NY had his offices in the collapsed WTC building #7. So did the FBI. The team that investigated the collapse were kept away from the crime scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed.
Why did the government rapidly recycle the steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history, and why has the media remained silent?
Proving Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers Indicting Financiers Behind the Crimes of 9/11/01. Video available., More web sites dedicated to exposing the fraud of 9-11 9-11 Truth.org, New York 9-11 truth, Share the truth, 911 review, Review
What is TulsaTruth.org? We are a non-profit, grass-roots organization with no political or religious affiliation that gathers regularly to educate and discuss with the public important issues that affect our nation and our freedoms. We share information and perspectives that our government and mainstream media generally ignore. Our goal is to bring awareness to these topics and seek the truth through political and legal means.This film presents a wide array of 9/11 theories to set forth the claim that elements within the United States government planned and executed the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Links to the "Loose Change" video are here too plus many more links to the secret operations of the Administration. see the right side of the page.
The evidence is mounting and is overwhelming!
NY Fire Fighters who were eye witnesses to the Twin Towers callapse describe timed explosions all the way down the building as it fell. Marvin Bush, the presidents brother, was in charge of security at the WTC. On the weekend of 9/8, 9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36 hrs from floor 50 up... "Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming in and out of the tower." [WingTV] In the days before 9-11 evacuation drills were conducted in both buildings. It was during these evacuations the demolition explosives were placed in elevator shafts and on floors 7 and 8 and in the basement. Explosions were heard and felt at ground level before the buildings came down and numberous explosions were reported by the NYFD as they tried to reach the top floors where the victims were. No other building fire in history, any where in the world has caused a building to collapse. more on the Bush Frauds.. ‘Frauds-R-Us’ and Index. Reports you won't find on CNN.
Jet fuel or kerosene's highest burning temperate is 1120 degrees. Moltel steel was found three and four weeks after the rubble was removed from the basement's seventh level down. Steel only melts at a temperature of over 3000 degrees.
Theories abound about flight 77 ,suggesting it didn't hit the Pentagon. Even this photo of a 757 imposed over the still of the buildings suggests the wings (125 ft wide) and engines (9 ft diameter) did no damage to the building. That is an important point because there were no marks on the Pentagon lawn of those two jet engines dragging the ground and they would have based on how low the Pentagon was hit. Said another way, forget about the fuselage dragging on the ground. The engines of a 757 would have been plowing the Pentagon lawn but that did not happen. 9-11 Pentagon They also cannot (or more appropriately will not) explain what happened to the two 9 foot diameter engines that mysteriously disappeared. Some official government sources claim that the fire was so hot it melted the engines to nothing, yet they claim they found DNA of the passengers. That math does not compute, or the science either. Another photo to scale.. To Scale photo of a 757 (see the 2nd photo down)
The Pentagon crash: The engine found at the crash scene was not from a commericial airliner. It was a A3-Skywarrier, an Airforce fighter jet equiped with a cruse missle that was fired before impact by remote control. A Cordite smell remained. Cordite is legally classified as an explosive but it is normally used as a propellant for guns and rockets.
Flight 77 was the only hijacked plane that could not be tracked by radar the whole way as it lost radar contact near the Ohio/Kentucky border. So by this fact, Flight 77 could have gone anywhere since it's transponder was turned off and as some people claim only the military could track it and thereby staying perfectly hidden from all radar of the civil authorities. It went off the radar at 8:57am making a slight turn to the Southeast. Where could it have landed? 9:10 a.m. The FAA says Flight 77 was detected by radar in West Virginia, heading east.(55 min. into flight. 15 min. from turning off course.) The timelines don't match. see Flight 77
In the event of a hijacking, all airline pilots are trained to key an emergency four-digit code into their plane’s transponder. This would surreptitiously alert air traffic controllers, causing the letters “HJCK” to appear on their screens. [CNN, 9/13/2001; Newsday, 9/13/2001; News (Portugal), 8/3/2002; 9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 17-18] The action, which pilots should take the moment a hijack situation is known, only takes seconds to perform. [Christian Science Monitor, 9/12/2001; CNN, 9/12/2001] Yet during the hijackings of flights 11, 175, 77, and 93, none of the pilots do this. [CNN, 9/11/2001]
Category Tags: All Day of 9/11 Events, Flight AA 11, Flight UA 175, Flight AA 77, Flight UA 93
From the Leonard Spencer web site; This is of course speculation predicated upon certain elements of the CCTV frames being an authentic record of what took place. It would be unwise to assume that this is the case. Nonetheless, faked or not, it is fascinating that the Pentagon should put into the public domain something that closer analysis can conclusively demonstrate is very much at odds with the official account. If the Pentagon were able to mess with fireballs and shadows I am led to wonder why it did not at least give us a plane that roughly matched that account.
I know it's too late now but I've done it for them. The image on the right is a rough version of what I would have come up with had the Pentagon sought my assistance. I've doctored the CCTV frames to introduce a to-scale Boeing 757 coming in at the correct angle. It took me about ten minutes in Macromedia Fireworks so I'm sure the Pentagon could have come up with something much better. If there's any truth in the official version of events then those frames should really look something like this. Of course, if there's any truth in the official version of events then the Pentagon would not have released a paltry five frames. It would have released the entire footage immediately so people the world over could be shocked and awed by it, just as we were by footage of the attack on the second tower in New York. More than that, the Pentagon would most probably have released for public consumption all the several pieces of video footage that it possesses of this incident. That it has not can mean only that there are details in the footage that we are most definitely not required to see. {Leonard Spencer}
Any contention that a 757 hit the Pentagon must deal with what that white cloud-like apparition is and as well how come the tail of the plane in the photograph is black. Black ops comes to mind. Charles Burlingame, a former F-4 Phantom pilot in the Navy, participated in MASCAL before retiring to work at American Airlines. He was the pilot of Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon—the building, not the courtyard. I was unable to find any credible evidence associating Burlingame with MASCAL, but the claim that he joined American Airlines less than a year before September 11 is disproven by the Washington Post: Burlingame However this article connects him with the Pentagon. "He remained active in the reserve, working until 1996 as a liaison in the Pentagon." If you work for the CIA it would not be public knowledge. There was no recovery of the body from the crash site.
also see Physics 9-11
"Defense Secretary Rumsfield made this slip, "and the missile to damage this building" see Missile not plane
Air Traffic Controllers taped ther versions of what they saw on radar. The taping began before noon on Sept. 11 at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center, in Ronkonkoma, on Long Island, but it was later destroyed by an F.A.A. quality-assurance manager, who crushed the cassette in his hand, cut the tape into little pieces and dropped them in different trash cans around the building, according to a report made public today by the inspector general of the Transportation Department. [New York Times 5/6/04]
"There was an unidentified plane to the south of Dulles moving at a very high rate of speed" ... Traveling at 750 km/h the plane is headed straight for the protected airspace covering the capital and the White House...
Question: How was a plane which was known to be hostile able to have an unimpeded 48 minute joyride around US airspace before slamming into the heart of the US military? Answer: Stand down.
"During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President... the plane is 50 miles out... the plane is 30 miles out... and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the Vice President "Do the orders still stand?" And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary!??"
Audio of ATC and United Flight 93
United Flight 93 landed safely at Cleveland airport at 10:45 am on 9-11. The passengers were evaquated at 11:15 am. The Cleveland airport was evacuated 30 minutes before flight 93 landed. No one was allowed in the airport or on airport grounds. People waiting for flights were told they would have to walk and could not retrive their cars or go to parking areas. The excuse that 'a hijacked plane was nearby and was going to land', was used to initiate the evacuation. This explosion and the hole in the ground were all staged to simulate the crash of flight 93.
After landing the passangers were immediately shuttled to an empty NASA building. What happened to them?
9News Staff
Web produced by: Liz Foreman
9/11/01 11:43:57 AM
CLEVELAND, OHIO - "A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.
White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was
United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline [didn't] say how many
people were aboard the flight.
United said it was also "deeply concerned" about another flight, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which was bound from Boston to Los Angeles. Flight 93
Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
12 May 2006
[excerpt - full article archived below]
On the morning of 9-11, for example, the Associated Press reported that United 93 made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. According to the official version, however, Flight 93 crashed into a reclaimed mine near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, shortly after 10 a.m.
The AP story clearly reported that United had identified the plane that landed at Cleveland as Flight 93. Cleveland's Mayor Michael R. White reportedly said the plane had landed due to suspicion that it had a bomb aboard.
A second plane, identified as Delta 1989, was also reported to have landed at the Cleveland airport due to fears of sabotage. At a news conference, Mayor White identified the plane as a Boeing 767 flying from Boston to Los Angeles. It may be more than coincidence that both of the flights that allegedly struck the World Trade Center also originated at Boston's Logan Airport.
The Akron Beacon Journal reported that the mayor had stated that 200 passengers had been released from the plane at 11:15 a.m. The airport in Cleveland had been evacuated at 10 a.m. "Airline passengers and crew members were walking onto the highway to find their rides as no cars were allowed into the passenger drop off and pick up areas," the Journal reported.
The following day, Sept. 12, the Journal reported that an eyewitness had watched the Delta plane sitting near the I-X Center, which is a facility at the southeast edge of the airfield. It also reported that 78 passengers "were taken to NASA Glenn Research Center to be interviewed by FBI agents." The NASA facility is at the extreme northwest end of the airfield.
The serial numbers of the ORIGINAL planes are SAME serial numbers of the planes that ARE STILL FLYING. 591UA and 612UA.
Dulce argues, that though N-number can be transferred, the manufacturer serial number CANNOT be transferred.
According to some spot-witnesses, Boeing 757-222 SERIAL NUMBER 28142 is flying around Chicago under the alias 594UA.
According to the FAA, N594UA Boeing 757-222 flies now with a DIFFERENT serial number, namely 28145.
Something is fishy.
If the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania only had on board the crews from the other three planes plus 19 'hijackers' it means that every single remaining passenger on those planes was in on the plot in some way. It also means that in all probability the original passengers that day are all still alive.
Is this too far-fetched? Possibly, but it does ease the time pressures inherent within the Plissken-Valentine scenario because it involves the transfer of far fewer passengers to Flight 93 (or pseudo-Flight 93). It might also explain one or two details that have hitherto been dismissed as oddities or coincidence.
Like the fact that known Israeli agent Daniel Lewin was a passenger on Flight 11 and US Naval Intelligence Officer William E. Caswell a passenger on Flight 77. There were also at least five Raytheon employees distributed among the first three planes, all with known connections to the development of Global Hawk technology. Could the official passenger lists of the four planes have comprised a mixture of military personnel responsible for overcoming the hapless 'hijackers' and taking over the planes, and other key personnel whom it was convenient to 'disappear' so they could carry on their specialist work in complete anonymity and secrecy?
It is certainly interesting to note the research of Woody Box who, in his article entitled The Cleveland Airport Mystery, establishes that at 10.45 on the morning of 9-11 an unidentified United Airlines 767 made an unscheduled landing at Cleveland Airport with around 200 passengers on board. These passengers were taken to the adjacent NASA Glenn Research Center and have not been heard of since.
As for the original Flight 93, this was perhaps little more than a decoy flight, though its passengers have entered modern folk-lore as the plucky American heroes who took on evil Muslim terrorists with their bare hands. This myth is based on the cell phone calls allegedly made from the stricken plane but, as Professor Dewdney and others have pointed out, it is not actually possible to use cell phones on aircraft flying at altitudes above 2000 feet and at speeds in excess of 230 mph. Since Flight 93 was at cruising speed and altitude when the calls are alleged to have been made, it is likely they were made from the ground if they were made at all. This of course means we must treat with some suspicion either the people who allegedly made them, the relatives who reported them, or both. see the Spencer web site
There is another reason why the four original planes might well have had no bona fide innocent civilian passengers on board and that's to do with what we might, with some irony, call the 'Flight 93 Syndrome', i.e., the excessive and uncontrolled use of cell phones. They may not be much use above 2000 feet, but cell phones can be used at airports and on planes that are taking off or landing. If you were really going to pull a stunt like 9-11 in the manner many now believe it was, then the last thing you need is some idiot in the toilet telling his friend all about it, just as the plane is landing at an airbase in W. Virginia, some time after it was supposed to have crashed into a New York tower. Far better to keep everything strictly under control with as few risks and unpredictable elements as possible. And that means no civilians.
An airplane does not just vaporize. There would have been some kind of debris. There were no bodies or debris at the susposed crash sight except for a mangled FDR. This is not possible. On April 10, 2003 Flight 93 was seen at O'Hare airport in Chicago. Serial # N591UA. The serial numbers of the plane were filmed and it was on the board of scheduled flights. see the Loose Change video.
and see flight 93
Why did Air Traffic Controllers in a Nashua Telegraph article report an F-16 was circling Flight 93 and was in visual range at the time of crash - and why does the Government currently DENY that? The white mystery jet was witnessed by dozens - was that what this controller saw on his screen? Clearly, no controllers are talking to the media about that white jet - but a lot of civilians were.
Small white jet
The black box allegedly recovered from the crash scene of flight 93 had a prerecorded tape - all fake. It was held by the FBI for 6 months before the victims famlies ever heard it.
9 of the hijackers have been found alive and are accounted for.
But the Government posted this to divert attention to the Al Quada threat
they created.
FBI Most Wanted List- bin Laden
Black Box Hoax. According to the federal authorities controlling Ground Zero, the black boxes from the two crashed 757s, Flight 11 and Flight 175, failed to turn up in the rubble taken from the site. However, two men who worked in the cleanup operation at Ground Zero claim that they helped authorities find three of the four black boxes in October of 2001. One of the workers, New York City firefighter Nicholas DeMasi, has self-published a book with other Ground Zero workers in which he describes the recovery of the devices. The book, Behind the Scenes: GROUND ZERO, A Collection of Personal Accounts, can be ordered through SummerOfTruth.org.
Only employees of "Controlled Demolition" were allowed at ground zero. No FEMA. Other links to the 'Controlled Demolition' can be found on Google. NY Mayor Giuliani ordered the debri be shipped immediately overseas destroying any evidence of explosives - and he's running for president? Only 15% of New Yorkers voted for Bush in 2004. Ever wounder why?
The account of the Ground Zero workers contradicts the 9/11 Commission Report which states: "The CVRs and FDRs from American 11 and United 175 were not found." Flight 11 This is the Firemans video. The plane is not a Boeing 767. The 'Fireman's Video' is Bush's true smoking gun. It is in the public domain and it is even available on DVD. It is probably sitting in the video shelves of thousands and thousands of homes across the world. It is vitally important that the American people see this video frame by frame so they can make their own minds up about what really happened on September 11.
Watch carefully what happens as the plane approaches and crashes into the tower. I leave you to come to your own conclusions about what you see (watch it over and over again, backwards and forwards), but I'll tell you what I see. Immediately before the plane strikes it fires a missile that blows a hole in the building's façade. This is the cause of that brief flash. The plane then begins to disappear neatly into this hole, leaving no wing impressions. Just before it disappears however it fires two more missiles from somewhere near its tail. One goes to the left, one to the right (and up a bit) and it is the blast holes from these three separate missiles that form the great gash across the building. For a frame by frame analysis of this sequence please click here.
Keep an eye on the adjacent east side of the building, which is also visible. See how, a few frames into the explosion, a white jet of smoke erupts out of the east side at the same level as the plane. The jet comes straight out of the wall at right angles to it, not angled in accordance with the trajectory of the plane. Also it's just white smoke and dust, no orange flames or anything like that. It is clearly a bomb going off, creating the gash that appears on the east wall.
I know what I am describing sounds incredible. I suggest only that you look at the footage yourself and come to your own conclusions about what you see. and see this United Airlines Flight 175 - So what did hit the South Tower. Examination of these images shows there is good reason to believe that the plane was something other than United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 that had departed Boston's Logan Airport at 08.14 earlier that morning. "An apparatus clearly visible under the plane come into action!"
Popular Mechanics, while mentioning that an engine from the South Tower airliner landed in the street, neglected to show an engine photo, engine street location, and engine positive identification. Just by identifying undamaged parts from the damaged engine positive identification of the engine was made in the article: However, the engine identified, a CFM56, is the primary engine of the Boeing 737 not the Boeing 767 alleged to have struck the South Tower.
Shortly after the article was posted, a Boeing 767 airliner mechanic emailed that he concurred with the engine identification and that it was not from a Boeing 767. from
More Photos.
Since the engine landed 3 blocks away from Ground Zero the FBI can't say the engine was vaporized. Where is it today? Ditto for the Pentagon JT8D engine that was identified that was NOT from Flight 77.
This is the General Electric CF8-80C2 engine. It has a 9 foot diameter. The engine is a link to 767 specs. The engine in the photo is clearly smaller. Another report with photos of the 737 and a high speed F-16 fighter caught on film. The F-16 also caused a sonic boom heard by several people on the street. see CNN report. A Newly-discovered video from CBC shows the South Tower Boeing 737. Narrow wings, engines under wings close to body and bulge under wings distinguish it from a Boeing 767. Bulges on both sides of the body near tail may be bombs. This link takes you to a story about; "Second 911 Remote Control Antenna Verified" see GE Engine. A quote from their South Tower airliner video analysis: "...there was some sort of incendiary or explosive that would serve as a match to ignite the enormous amount of fuel (when the plane hit the ST.)" General 63 has the full story.
The terrorist attacks of 9-11 are unique in at least one regard. As far as I can tell they are the only terrorist incidents to have been played out right under the noses of a waiting media. I believe this was no accident. The incidents were timed and sequenced to ensure that this was the case. The first crash (which we were most definitely not meant to see) brought the media to the WTC and ensured plenty of cameras were trained on the towers in time for the next crash around 15 minutes later. So we all see the second crash in all its glory, from every conceivable angle. Spectacular isn't it? And of course even more cameras were around by the time the towers magnificently and apocalyptically collapsed an hour or so later. I believe that the cinematic brilliance of these shots was a major objective of the overall operation. It was a carefully planned media spectacle. Remember how we were practically force-fed these images for two whole days, so everyone saw them hundreds of times? This is invaluable propaganda and brainwashing. by Leonard Spencer.
"The (9/11) attack was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." -- Listen to the Stanley Hilton audio. Bush knew ... Hilton; And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years....And then we'll get into why you are being harassed by the FBI, as other FBI people are being harassed who have been blowing the whistle on this. So, this is really getting serious. Stanley, tell us all about it.....Cheney was in the bunker controlling this. That has even come out in the mainstream news but they won't release the details of that, Stanley. The Fox News interview with Stanley is repeated on the Loose Change video 2nd addition.
1- A Federal investigation into why the WTC collapsed. Engineers appointed to do the investigation have accused Giuliani of obstructing the investigation and destroying thousands of tons of crucial evidence. Investigators also want to know why the FDNY allowed the Mayor to illegally store 6,000 gallons of highly flammable fuel in WTC7, which is alleged to have caused the buildings' destruction. Among the questions Giuliani might have to face about 9/11 are why he located his emergency command bunker in the U.S. building Federal authorities most expected to be attacked by terrorists. Also related to the 9/11 attack are questions as to why workers in the towers were told to return to their desks rather than evacuate and why so many members of the FDNY were unable to be contacted on their radios, causing them to die in the towers. NYPD Commissioner Kerik might also be questioned at some point about the coincidence of his having worked as a head of security for the Saudi royal family before joining the NYPD.
Lying under oath. To become a Federal prosecutor in N.Y. and later as Ronald Reagans 3rd highest-ranking U.S. Justice Department official, Rudy Giuliani lied during his F.B.I. background checks when asked if any relative or associate was a convicted felon or had organized crime connections. Those lies were federal crimes. As revealed in 'Rudy! An Investigative Biography' by Wayne Barrett, Giuliani's father was a convicted hold-up man who served time in an upstate prison and was later employed as an enforcer for a Mafia loan shark operation. When the book was first released Giuliani denied and later admitted it was true. According to the book, a number of his other relatives were also in the Mafia besides the uncles who were firemen and police officers that he proudly refers to in public speeches. The point is not that Giuliani is a bad guy because his father was a mobster, but that he lied to the F.B.I. and to Congress about it. more... Giuliani the Crook
Voter Fraud: 2000: the whole world saw George W. Bush was not actually the winner. While voter fraud was not limited to Florida, that state became famous as the center for election tampering. The presidents brother Jeb was Governer. see Elections.
The evidence for Republican voter fraud is clear.
2004: Kerry won the election, but electronic ballot machines and voter suppression flipped several states in the Electoral College and shifted a few million votes to Bush.
The minute Bush won, plans began on how to overthrough Iraq. There were no WMD. There
is no evidence that Al Quada was paid by Sadam to do any damage in the U.S. Osama Bin
Ladin denighed he had anything to do with the 9-11 attacks and was actually being
protected by the CIA when the planes crashed into the WTC.
Now we see Bush making the case for War on Iran saying the government has proof that
the Iranian government is suppling weapons to the Shites and Al Quada.
In 2004, the Florida Division of Elections improperly included 2,119 African American voters on a list of felons potentially ineligible to vote in the November elections. And in Ohio, Franklin County elections officials gave fewer voting machines to minority communities -- requiring Democratic voters to wait in long lines to vote.
But the problems didn't stop in 2004. In 2006, a Republican campaign sent a letter to thousands of legal Hispanic American voters in California, warning them that they could go to jail or be deported if they voted.
This is all part of a much larger campaign to keep people from showing up to the polls It's why Republicans have repeatedly pushed for legislation requiring people to show IDs when they vote. Disguised under the language of "voter protection," Republicans are really trying to suppress the vote of rural, minority Americans.
The fact is, some 4.5 million rural Americans lack the documents that Republicans want to require to vote -- twice as many urban voters. And 2 million African American voters don't have birth certificates or passports.
The Republican Party knows that the more people who vote, the less likely they are to win. Stand up for your right to vote by signing our petition for voters' rights: Your Vote
US plans to bomb Iran despite denials. By Anne Penketh, Diplomatic Editor Published: 26 February 2007
A Pentagon unit is planning for a bombing attack on Iran which could be carried out
"within 24 hours", according to a report in the United States, issued just as the Iranian
President Mahmoud Amadinejad warned that Tehran's nuclear programme had "no reverse
The generally authoritative New Yorker journalist, Seymour Hersh, reported in the latest edition of the weekly magazine that a "special planning group" had been set up in recent months under the joint chiefs of staff. Quoting a former intelligence official, Hersh said the unit was "charged with creating a contingency bombing plan for Iran that can be implemented, upon orders from the [US] President, within 24 hours".
The report appears to contradict the Bush administration's denials that it is planning for war on Iran, despite a US military build-up in the Gulf.
Bryan Whitman, the Pentagon's spokesman, said: "The US is not planning to go to war with Iran. To suggest anything to the contrary is simply wrong, misleading and mischievous."
Web site of WTC 7 -The Building that was not hit by a plane, but was part of the WTC complex.Building 7.
There is a video on Video WTC 7
A "controlled Demolition". The fall of this building was blamed on debris falling from
the other buildings and was largely ignored by the media.
The FBI knew about the proposed attacks and did nothing. Prior Knowledge Evidence that the United States Government Trained, Funded and Protected the terrorists. If this sounds outrageous, it should. This page details evidence found in "Main Stream Media" articles.
'Israel Tried To Kill Bin Laden In '96' - MI6, CIA Protected Him Prison Planet.com | January 26 2006 Reuters reports,
The Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6, is the United Kingdom's external intelligence agency. Under the direction of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC), it works alongside the Security Service (MI5), Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS). SIS is responsible for the United Kingdom's espionage activities overseas.
Israel's Mossad spy service and a foreign counterpart enlisted a confidante of Osama bin Laden to kill the al Qaeda leader in 1996 but the plan fell apart over a political dispute, a newspaper said on Thursday.
Mossad picked up bin Laden's trail while helping U.S. and Egyptian agents probe an attempt by Islamist militants on the life of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak as he visited Ethiopia, Israeli daily Yedioth Aharonoth said citing security sources.
According to the report, Mossad recruited a woman close to bin Laden with the help of the intelligence service in her country. Neither the woman's name nor nationality were given.
Whatever the validity of this story, it has the impact of making the reader think that major intelligence agencies were vigorously persuing bin Laden in the mid-1990's, when the opposite is true.
Former MI5 agent David Shayler and French intelligence experts confirmed that in 1996, British MI6 paid Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda more than $200,000 to assassinate Colonel Gadaffi.
In addition, attempts by Libya to arrest bin Laden after the botched assassination attempt were actively blocked by MI6.
From 1992 to 1999, the US government supported Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda cells in the Balkans during the Bosnian and Serbian wars.
The mainstream media is swift to recycle ten year old stories, but only
if they back up the party line that Osama has always been an enemy of the USA,
Britain and Israel.
Anything to the contrary is ignored and disappears down the memory hole.
Remember the report in Le Figaro that bin Laden met with the CIA station chief and the head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turki, while he was being treated in the American hospital in Dubai in the summer of 2001. aristeides posted on 2004-03-16 Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the United Arab Emirates, North-East of Abi-Dhabi. This city, population 350,000, was the backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent in July. A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in Dubai claims that public enemy number one stayed at this hospital between the 4th and 14th of July. and read this French intelligence report from .."The Guardian"
Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport. He was accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be Ayman al-Zawahari--but on this sources are not entirely certain--, four bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and Al-Maktoum bridges.
Cheney knew FBI, CIA met with bin Laden lieutenant after 9-11
Congress is also covering up the fact that Osama bin Laden is a former U.S. intelligence contractor. and see this Feb 21, 2004 report. Secret Hunt for Bin Laden
Washington, DC—November 2, 2005—Tom Flocco.com—According to an internal memo sent to Vice President Richard Cheney from former U.S. Ambassador to Somalia Leo Wanta, an FBI special agent-in-charge and a CIA intelligence contractor met with an associate of Osama bin Laden (OBL) in Manila, Philippines 30 days after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.
Under standard chain-of-custody procedures regarding the sensitive document with evidence directly related to the 9-11 attacks, Cheney would have passed it on to then National Security Advisor Dr. Condoleezza Rice who would have delivered the memo to President Bush, according to intelligence sources familiar with the document.
An individual with knowledge of the meetings told TomFlocco.com that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been in possession of the explosive memo which provides evidence that Cheney knew FBI and CIA officials met with one of bin Laden’s associates in the days following September 11.
Given Fitzgerald’s awareness of the memo, serious questions are raised for the grand jury as to why FBI and CIA officials, ostensibly representing the U.S. government, were meeting with a bin Laden lieutenant important enough to be shown with the “terrorist” leader in a White House-produced video not long after the attacks— but also why Cheney and Bush have not publicized the memo which names the agents and why Congress continues to cover up the memo’s existence.
The document names FBI special agent-in-charge Robert Wachtel and CIA intelligence contractor Brad Lee as being present and “in close contact with” a person identified as Datu ben Abu. [Abu is also a Russian KGB agent according to knowledgeable intelligence sources.]
That Congress has continually misled the American people by failing to require Bush and Cheney to explain why FBI and CIA officials met with bin Laden operatives after the 9-11 attacks and why they obstructed justice during the 9-11 investigation may be linked to the “sealed files protected by national security” that Patrick Fitzgerald entered into the court record along with his Scooter Libby indictments last Friday. (posted November 2, 2005)
Reports are beginning to indicate that Fitzgerald’s sealed files may hold the key to the entire CIA—Valerie Plame leak probe. more... Cheney Knew
December 22, 2006 - CIA restricts media; What We Wanted to Tell You About Iran By FLYNT LEVERETT and HILLARY MANN
Op-Ed article by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann on redacted version of draft
Op-Ed article they wrote for The Times, as blacked out by Central Intelligence
Agency's Publication Review Board after White House intervened in normal prepublication
review process and demanded substantial deletions; notes CIA officials told them
that their original draft included no classified material, but that they had to bow
to White House; says redacted passages go into aspects of American-Iranian relations durin..
Retaliations for telling or knowing the truth
Dec. 10th, 2004. 4 people mysteriously died after 9-11. Gary Webb, (Dateline video) Mr. Webb has evidence that the CIA was involved in Iran contra during President Reagans term in office. Drug money was used to fund it's covert operations in the US, and other countries. The Hit list included:
Hunter S. ThompsonDec. 10th 2004. Dr. David Kelly Sept 9th, 2004.Princess Diana1997.
The White House Criminal Conspiracy. Legally, there are no significant differences between the investor fraud perpetrated by Enron CEO Ken Lay and the prewar intelligence fraud perpetrated by George W. Bush. Both involved persons in authority who used half-truths and recklessly false statements to manipulate people who trusted them. There is, however, a practical difference: The presidential fraud is wider in scope and far graver in its consequences than the Enron fraud. Yet thus far the public seems paralyzed.
In response to the outcry raised by Enron and other scandals, Congress passed the Corporate Corruption Bill, which President Bush signed on July 30, 2002, amid great fanfare. Bush declared that he was signing the bill because of his strong belief that corporate officers must be straightforward and honest. If they were not, he said, they would be held accountable.
Ironically, the day Bush signed the Corporate Corruption Bill, he and his aides were enmeshed in an orchestrated campaign to trick the country into taking the biggest risk imaginable--a war. Indeed, plans to attack Iraq were already in motion. In June Bush announced his "new" pre-emptive strike strategy. On July 23, 2002, the head of British intelligence advised Prime Minister Tony Blair, in the then-secret Downing Street Memo, that "military action was now seen as inevitable" and that "intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." Bush had also authorized the transfer of $700 million from Afghanistan war funds to prepare for an invasion of Iraq. Yet all the while, with the sincerity of Marc Antony protesting that "Brutus is an honorable man, " Bush insisted he wanted peace.
Americans may have been unaware of this deceit then, but they have since learned the truth. According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll conducted in June, 52 percent of Americans now believe the President deliberately distorted intelligence to make a case for war. In an Ipsos Public Affairs poll, commissioned by AfterDowningStreet.org and completed October 9, 50 percent said that if Bush lied about his reasons for going to war Congress should consider impeaching him. The President's deceit is not only an abuse of power; it is a federal crime. Specifically, it is a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371, which prohibits conspiracies to defraud the United States.
So what do citizens do? First, they must insist that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence complete Phase II of its investigation, which was to be an analysis of whether the Administration manipulated or misrepresented prewar intelligence. The focus of Phase II was to determine whether the Administration misrepresented the information it received about Iraq from intelligence agencies. Second, we need to convince Congress to demand that the Justice Department appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Administration's deceptions about the war, using the same mechanism that led to the appointment of Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the outing of Valerie Plame. (As it happens, Congressman Jerrold Nadler and others have recently written to Acting Deputy Attorney General Robert McCallum Jr. pointing out that the Plame leak is just the "tip of the iceberg" and asking that Fitzgerald's authority be expanded to include an investigation into whether the White House conspired to mislead the country into war. )
Third, we can no longer shrink from the prospect of impeachment. Impeachment would require, as John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, author of Warrior-King: The Case for Impeaching George Bush and co-founder of AfterDowningStreet.org, has explained, that the House pass a "resolution of inquiry or impeachment calling on the Judiciary Committee to launch an investigation into whether grounds exist for the House to exercise its constitutional power to impeach George W. Bush." If the committee found such grounds, it would draft articles of impeachment and submit them to the full House for a vote. If those articles passed, the President would be tried by the Senate. Resolutions of inquiry, such as already have been introduced by Representatives Barbara Lee and Dennis Kucinich demanding that the Administration produce key information about its decision-making, could also lead to impeachment.
The law reads; The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
These three actions can be called for simultaneously. Obviously we did face a GOP-dominated House and Senate, but the same outrage that led the public to demand action against corporate law-breakers should be harnessed behind an outcry against government law-breakers. As we now know, it was not a failure of intelligence that led us to war. It was a deliberate distortion of intelligence by the Bush Administration. But it is a failure of courage, on the part of Congress (with notable exceptions) and the mainstream media, that seems to have left us helpless to address this crime. Speaking as a former federal prosecutor, I offer the following legal analysis to encourage people to press their representatives to act.
The Nature of the Conspiracy
The Supreme Court has defined the phrase "conspiracy to defraud the United States" as "to interfere with, impede or obstruct a lawful government function by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest." In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement "between two or more persons" to follow a course of conduct that, if completed, would constitute a crime. The agreement doesn't have to be express; most conspiracies are proved through evidence of concerted action. But government officials are expected to act in concert. So proof that they were conspiring requires a comparison of their public conduct and statements with their conduct and statements behind the scenes. A pattern of double-dealing proves a criminal conspiracy.
The concept of interfering with a lawful government function is best explained by reference to two well-known cases where courts found that executive branch officials had defrauded the United States by abusing their power for personal or political reasons.
We are not saying that the Democrats are any better, but in light of the currect situation, the Republican party must be stopped and the lie must be exposed. The only way to do this right now is to elect a Democrat.
Contact Presidential hopefulls..Barack Obama
Drop a note to Hillary.Hillary Clinton.com
Democratic Chairman Howard Dean
Democrats for Honest Government.. Corruption What the Republicans are trying to do. Just a sample...Disgraced Ohio Republican Congressman Bob Ney today finally pled guilty to felony charges of conspiracy and making false statements after taking tens of thousands of dollars worth of trips, sports tickets, campaign contributions, meals and casino chips from convicted Republican super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff. This is just the latest example of the ever-growing Republican culture of corruption. At the same time, Republicans in Congress have consistently blocked ethics reform packages proposed by Democrats.
This week's DNC Podcast features award-winning film director Robert Greenwald. Greenwald discusses his newest work, Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers. Iraq for Sale is a scathing documentary that exposes the record profits made off the war in Iraq by.... Iraq for Sale: "Blackwater, CACI, Titan, Halliburton - all have stocked their Boards of Directors or their high corporate levels with former military, former CIA, and former people in the legislative process so that they get a kind of protection against oversight. [As a result,] they give Halliburton millions of dollars. [Blackwater owner] Eric Prince's family has given $2.5 million to the Republican Party in the past couple of years. That buys them a kind of protection they should not be buying. There should be transparency and there should be oversight."
After months of negotiations and stonewalling by the Bush White House, the Administration was forced to finally release Secret Service WAVE records detailing visits by Abramoff cronies and Republican culture of corruption co-conspirators Grover Norquist, Patrick Pizzella, Ralph Reed, Michael Scanlon, and David Safavian between January 20, 2001 and May 12, 2005. The Democratic National Committee filed the FOIA request with the Department of Justice in January 2006 in an attempt to uncover the truth about the full extent and nature of the roles these figures played in the Bush White House.
On Sunday, the Washington Post chronicled how the Bush Administration's pattern of rewarding unqualified political cronies with jobs has hindered the Iraqi reconstruction efforts. These GOP allies were given jobs based on their political service in campaigns not their experience or expertise in the respective areas of reconstruction including security, health care and finance. This is just the latest example of the Bush Administration's continued practice of putting their party above the needs of the American people. Over the past five years, the White House has installed Bush cronies in all corners of the government, regardless of their qualifications, with serious, sometimes harmful consequences as a result.
One year ago, President Bush signed the Republican energy bill, giving $8 billion in tax breaks to energy companies. Since then, the American people continue to struggle just to fill up their gas tanks, as gas prices are up 65 percent. Energy companies, who have given generously to the Bush White House and Republicans in Congress, have realized record earnings.
As Vice President Cheney continues on the campaign trail raising special interest cash for Republicans, the question remains if the Vice President will continue to mislead the public by trying to link the 9/11 attacks to Iraq. and see Cheney & Rumsfeld Tour of Fear & Smear, Today's Stop: NBC's Meet the Press September 11, 2006 . more on the war... in Iraq
Bush Cronies Only Need Apply: After the fall of Saddam Hussein's government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted all manner of Americans -- restless professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone...The rest of these stories are at the link above.
More White House scandel Jack Abramoff
EPA officials quit
Note; After viewing the film Fahrenheit 911 , we and many others no longer support the war in Iraq. Bush and his cronies, specifically Halliburton, only want the oil profits. Vice President Cheneys income in 2005 was over 8 million due to Halliburton stock he still owns. The Bush administration assigned former Afgan oil executives to head Afganastan after that war simply so a natural gas pipeline could be built through that country.
In this film, muckraker Michael Moore turns his eye on George W. Bush and his War on Terrorism agenda. He illustrates his argument about how this failed businessman with deep connections to the royal house of Saud of Saudia Arabia and the Bin Ladins got elected on fraudulent circumstances and proceeded to blunder through his duties while ignoring warnings of the looming betrayal by his foreign partners. When that treachery hits with the 9/11 attacks, Moore explains how Bush failed to take immediate action to defend his nation, only to later cynically manipulate it to serve his wealthy backers' corrupt ambitions. Through facts, footage and interviews, Moore illustrates his contention of how Bush and his cronies have gotten America into worse trouble than ever before and why Americans should not stand for it.
Did you know Bush tried to cut benefits to soldiers families, cut funding
for veterens hospitals, perscription drug benefits for soldiers
who have had their legs and arms blown off? A 2005 plan to care for wounded
troops was killed by the Veterans Affairs Dept. under the Bush administration. Proof;
The recent
scandel about Walter Reed Hospital.
If you haven't seen Fahrenheit 911 - you need to.
The Patroit Act;
Just 45 days after the September 11 attacks, with virtually no debate, Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act. There are significant flaws in the Patriot Act, flaws that threaten your fundamental freedoms by giving the government the power to access to your medical
records, tax records, information about the books you buy or borrow without probable
cause, and the power to break into your home and conduct secret searches without
telling you for weeks, months, or indefinitely.
AND President Bush's bill to secretly put wire-taps on the American people WITH NO WARRENT is now unstoppable. see this The Law and this.. Surpreme Court Justices doing exactly what Bush wants!. Quote: Alito and Roberts have shown little independence, siding with one another approximately 90 percent of the time.– They have voted together in 21 of the 23 cases that have divided the Court 5-4 this year.– Their decisions have come to be marked by an alarming lack of respect for precedent, irreverence for the democratic process, and disregard for constitutional history.
Learn more about the flawed provisions in this legislation using the resources
(link). Find out how you can get involved, and help urge Congress to bring the Patriot
Act in line with the Constitution.
The FBI can rifle through your belongings without telling you.
The ACLU and its allies believe that the public has a right to know how new surveillance powers are being used. To vindicate the public's right to information about government activity, the ACLU and other public interest organizations filed two requests under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) seeking records relating to the Justice Department's implementation and use of the USA PATRIOT Act. Records obtained through these requests are posted here. Records
The impending war with Iran
Copied from SuperTopSecret.com: quote: Iran tests fastest underwater missile. "I smell the sinking of one of our ships." Originally posted by bsbray11; It seems like it would be very stupid strategically for Iran to just load up on a US ship and ask for war right now. But it would be great for the US to justify an invasion, even with so many problems with our country already.
One of the talk shows brought out the fact that the timing of the test announcement
was suspicious, having happened so soon after the UN Securty Council statement
regarding Iran's nuclear program. That statement came out last Wednesday, and
the test announcement may be Iran's saber-rattling answer to it.
In another article: "We bring to the attention of our readers, this carefully documented review of the ongoing naval build-up and deployment of coalition forces in the Middle East." This article is intitled; "The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean." We have only copied portions of this article. It has been throughly researched by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya from Global Research 2006. Links to the news reports contained in this article can be found on the Global Research website... link below.
The article examines the geopolitics behind this military deployment and its relationship to "the Battle for Oil".
The structure of military alliances is crucial to an understanding of these war preparations.
The naval deployment is taking place in two distinct theaters: the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean.
The militarization of the Eastern Mediterranean is broadly under the jurisdiction of NATO in liaison with Israel. Directed against Syria, it is conducted under the façade of a UN peace-keeping mission pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1701. In this context, the war on Lebanon must be viewed as a stage of a the broader US sponsored military road-map.
The naval armada in the Persian Gulf is largely under US command, with the participation of Canada.
The naval buildup is coordinated with the planned air attacks. The planning of the aerial bombings of Iran started in mid-2004, pursuant to the formulation of CONPLAN 8022 in early 2004. In May 2004, National Security Presidential Directive NSPD 35 entitled Nuclear Weapons Deployment Authorization was issued. While its contents remains classified, the presumption is that NSPD 35 pertains to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in the Middle East war theater in compliance with CONPLAN 8022.
These war plans must be taken very seriously.
The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, "a long war", which threatens the future of humanity.
In the weeks ahead, it is essential that citizens' movements around the world act consistently to confront their respective governments and reverse and dismantle this military agenda. (However since there are numberous nations (NATO) involved, there may little anyone can do to stop an action that is being and has been planned for several years.)
What is needed is to break the conspiracy of silence, expose the media lies and distortions, confront the criminal nature of the US Administration and of those governments which support it, its war agenda as well as its so-called "Homeland Security agenda" which has already defined the contours of a police State.
It is essential to bring the US war project to the forefront of political debate, particularly in North America and Western Europe. Political and military leaders who are opposed to the war must take a firm stance, from within their respective institutions. Citizens must take a stance individually and collectively against war. The full article.... The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean
The Pentagon has already drawn up plans for U.S. sponsored attacks on Iran and Syria. Despite the public posturing of diplomacy by the United States and Britain, just like the Iraq Invasion, Iran and Syria sense another Anglo-American war in the horizon. Both countries have been strengthening their defenses for the eventuality of war with the Anglo-American alliance.
A conflict against Iran and Syria, if it were to materialize, would be unlike previous Anglo-American sponsored conflicts. It would be wider in scope, deadlier, and have active aerial and water (naval) fronts.
Sea power would be of greater significance than in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. The United States would covet a quick victory. The chances of this happening are unknown. If there were to be a conflict with Iran, the United States and it partners would want to keep the Straits of Hormuz open for the flow of international oil. The Straits of Hormuz are the “energy lifeline of the world.”
The United States would without doubt quickly aim for the collapse of the Iranian and Syrian commands and military structures.
It must be noted that the Iranian Armed Forces are characterized by well structured military organization, with advanced military capabilities, when compared to Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. Moreover, Iran has been preparing for a scenario of war with the Anglo-American alliance for almost a decade. These preparations were stepped up following the NATO-U.S. led attack on Yugoslavia (1999).
The types of military units and weapons systems being deployed in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea by the United States are considered to be best suited for combat against Iran, also with a view to keeping the Straits of Hormuz open for oil tankers. This also includes forces that would be able to secure bridgeheads on the Iranian coastline. These U.S. forces consist of early warning units, recognizance, amphibious elements, maritime search and rescue units, minesweepers, and rapid deployment units.
U.S. Strike Groups: Cargo intended for War?
Is there a relationship between the bombing of Lebanon and the inauguration of the world's largest strategic pipeline, which will channel more than a million barrels of oil a day to Western markets?
Virtually unnoticed, the inauguration of the Ceyhan-Tbilisi-Baku (BTC) oil pipeline, which links the Caspian Sea to the Eastern Mediterranean, took place on the 13th of July [2006], at the very outset of the Israeli sponsored bombings of Lebanon.
The bombing of Lebanon is part of a carefully planned and coordinated military road map. The extension of the war into Syria and Iran has already been contemplated by U.S. and Israeli military planners. This broader military agenda is intimately related to strategic oil and oil pipelines. It is supported by the Western oil giants, which control the pipeline corridors. In the context of the war on Lebanon, it seeks Israeli territorial control over the East Mediterranean coastline.
(The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil, July 26, 2006)
Syria and Lebanon must be subjugated if the United States and its partners are to secure the Eastern Mediterranean coastline to expand the oil terminal from Ceyhan, Turkey to Israel, lock out Russia and China from securing international energy resources, and ultimately creating a monopoly over world energy resources.
The Eastern Mediterranean, a “Second Front” guarded by NATO?
There has been a significant build-up of military force, including naval power, in Lebanon and the waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. This force is composed of troops and naval vessels from several NATO countries including Italy, Spain, France, Turkey, Germany, and the Netherlands.
NATO's “Operation Active Endeavor,” implemented in the wake of 9/11 is fully integrated into the U.S. sponsored “War on Terrorism”. The Operation is overseen by the Commander of “NATO Allied Naval Forces, Southern Europe” based in Naples.
In this context, a NATO naval task force of warships has been monitoring the Eastern Mediterranean since late 2001, years before the Israeli aerial siege of Lebanon (2006). This task force of NATO warships has been “trained and prepared for a prolonged operation in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2001.”
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© Copyright Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Research, 2006
The March to War: Naval build-up in the Persian Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean
All Americans are urged to contact their Senators and
Congressman and demand a full Senate Investigation of the events of 9-11.
If you don't know how to contact them, here's the listing of
States - Congressional
Senate listings
This is not to say we don't support the troops. They are under orders to fight. How can we abandon them? - We can't. How many more daughters, sons and husbands will die for Bush? November 2008 is still a long way off but we have to start thinking about this NOW. America cannot afford this loss of life. Nobody else is really helping us except other countries who are dependent on Saudi, Iranian, and Iraqi oil..ever wounder why?
The Civil War in Iraq - What have we done?
The Headline read- WANTED - DEAD OR ALIVE
$25,000.000.00 Reward
Maybe this is the person we should be posting a reward for!
Do you really want to see this happen again?
Phoney News stories
More Indictments handed down against world terroristsThis was all staged - Fake!
FBI reports June 2001. A detailed report on Proof of the involvement of Osama bin
Laden was issued Sept, 24th 2001 to the allies of the
United States and those governments interested in the investigation,
and we have all by now seen the infamous video tape where Bin
Laden laughs at the members of the suicide squad and openly
admits his involvement in the Sept, 11th attacks. This video is not Bin Laden.
The man is right handed. Bin Laden is left handed. This man is also 30 pounds heavier
than Bin Laden. see the "Loose Change" video.
This is what the government reported..WASHINGTON Dec. 28th - Preliminary
analysis of an audio tape urging
Iraqis to boycott elections planned for next month indicates
that the voice belongs to Osama bin Laden, a senior government
official told NBC News on Tuesday.
Security experts said the tape, in which the speaker indicates he has accepted Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi’s offer to unite the world’s most famous terror group and the bloodiest insurgency inside Iraq, could bolster two of the world's most wanted terrorists. The Alliance could cost bin Laden. But for bin Laden, the alliance comes at a price: He is now tied to a man directing bomb attacks against Iraq’s majority Shiite Muslims as well as Americans.
Bin Laden could benefit from allying himself with an anti-American fighter who gets daily publicity. Al-Zarqawi may get more financial assistance and support from bin Laden’s backers, the experts said."
Bin Laden gets the benefits of Zarqawi’s notoriety, said Vince Cannistraro, former CIA counterterrorism chief. He (al-Zarqawi) has got the pre-eminent insurgency in Iraq. He’s the one who is the bloodiest, who carried out the most dramatic and public suicide bombings.
The difference between this and other bin Laden alliances, Cannistraro said, is that bin Laden a Sunni Muslim has not been a vocal enemy against the Shiites. By adopting Zarqawi, he’s taking that whole package, someone who is virulently anti-Shiite.
In the mean time the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri Kamel Mohammed Hassan al-Maliki, the one Bush put in control, is backing insurgents who are killing Sunnis. He is a Shia. This article explains where he came from, his exile from Iraq, what party he supports and what led him to become Prime Minister under a U.S. backed collation. In this article there is more about the political agenda of Nouri Kamel Mohammed Hassan al-Maliki and the U.S. Government.
More 'brain washing stories' for the ignorant public to soak up.
FBI Press Response September 14, 2001 Washington D.C. FBI National Press OfficeIn Director Mueller's words: "We need the support of the American people," he said. First to cooperate when called upon, as agents will be reaching out to many across the nation to help gather information and intelligence. Second, to be aware of your surroundings and report anything suspicious. Third, to "BOLO" (Be on the lookout) for those pictured above. "Have you seen them in your communities? Have you heard that someone might be helping them to hide? Do you have any idea where they might be? If so, we need you to come forward."
Most wanted Terrorists. As we previously stated; These men are double agents. How else would the FBI have pictures of them, know their names, know where they lived? They were used to infiltrate Al Quada and gather intelligence. The "Loose Change" video identifies a few of them, where they live and what they do now. THEY ARE ALIVE AND WELL!
We are living in an era when more and more
of our 1st amendment rights are slowly being taken away. Freedom
of speech and the right to assemble in a peaceful manner are the core of American Freedoms
which we should fight for at the highest level. At present the ACLU is the only enity that will fight for our most precious rights. A Supreme Court ruling on June 17, 2002
reopens the door to free speech when missionaries, politicians or others can go door to door to avocate a cause with out a permit. In some areas this is called 'soliciting'. However with this ruling, soliciting has been defined as the promotion
or sale of a product or service. We salute this decision.
If you think your rights have been violated contact The ACLU
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Continue with Attack 2